Girls diving and swimming: Fremd borders Schaumburg For ivory crown

Schaumburg junior Nina Mollin has been the celebrity of all The match, winning 4 activities. She even also took the 200 IM at 2:02.62the Butter-Fly at 55.92, the 500 free of charge from 5:00.60 along with also the breast-stroke at 1:05.04.

Saxons junior Madison Dohrn has been a dual winner, Placing 1st in the 200 free from 1:53.43 as well as at the backstroke at 55.75.

Hoffman Estates’ Brooklyn Fuscone won the diving Contest with 470.90 factors.

In Metea Valley:

Neuqua Valley older McKenna Stone won 4 Events to direct the Wildcats into the sectional title with 302 factors. Oswego East was next using 235 along with also Naperville North 3rd with 190.

Stone won the 200 IM at 2:00.75, the 50 free from 22.70, the blossom at 53.04 along with also the breast-stroke at 1:01.77.

The Wildcats also acquired firsts out of Rachel Stege From the 200 free (1:46.40) as well as at the 500 free (4:40.03). Neuqua’s Megan Ciezczak won the 100 free of charge in 50.42 along with team-mate Jane Riehs had been the diving champ using 450.75 factors.

In St. Charles North:

The sponsor North Stars plotted rival St. Charles East for its team name 228-204 as junior Paige Armstrong won the 200 free of charge from 1:50.27 along with also the backstroke at 55.93. Even the North Stars additionally acquired double wins out of Angela Messina from the 200 IM (2:02.59) along with also the breast-stroke (1:03.85).

St. Charles East junior Molly Yetter has been a Double winner, taking the 50 free of charge from 22.68 along with also the 100 free from 51.29.

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East junior Katie Kempff won diving (338.30), North’s Jillian Wilson chose the Butter-Fly from 55.72 along with SCN’s Elizabeth Bawolek won the 500 free of charge in 4:58.39.

In Glenbrook South:

Hersey’s Mollie Lumsden won the 200 free in 1:52.56 along with also the Huskies ended up a workforce with 128 details. New Trier won the affair together with 205 and also Evanston was next with 168.

In Hinsdale Central:

The bunch Red Devils hurried away using all the sectional Name, scoring 246 factors. Downers Grove North was next with 180 along with also Downers South 3rd using 158.

Central’s Melanie Quinones won the 50 Free of Charge (23.61) as well as the 100 free (51.92). The Red Devils also received wins out of Kendall Pickering from the 200 IM (2:03.35), also the backstroke (55.03) along with also the breast-stroke (1:03.44).