We have great news for WWE Network subscribers. There were many issues with the WWE Network 2.0 update. One of them was the large number of missing WWE Hidden Gems and the lack of a Gems category. This was a hot topic with a lot of people. There is now a new section for WWE Hidden Gems under In-Ring that features the majority of the gems that were available previously!

The WWE Hidden Gems section is currently featured

There are fifteen rails that separate the uploads into different sub-categories. The “Recently Added” section is simple and effective, but there are many others such as “WWE Hall of Famers”, Dark Matches”, “Before They Were Superstars”, and “Rare Special Events”. If the video meets more than one criteria, it may also be found on different rails.

As of this article, not all Hidden Gems are available. Keep an eye out for any missing gems. His category can be accessed via the In-Ring section of most devices, if not all, but there is also a Latest WWE Hidden Gems rail available on the homepage. It is not clear if missing content has been identified.

What do you think?

Are you happy with the layout of the section that wwe bleacher includes several categories? Did you test it? Are there any gems you are still missing? Are you excited to see this category finally arrive? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.

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WWE Hidden Gems of WWE Network

The summer of 2019 is here and the Hidden Gems team has uploaded it all. There are a variety of SummerSlam hype matches, Mid-Atlantic Wrestling’s BOOGIE JAM with what may be the worst Flair/Steamboat match, tribute to the Harley Race, the entire NWA Superstars on the Superstation and an exhibition of “Exotic” Adrian Street. Also, there are a few random house shows matches from the UK. They did Harley their best but it was a mix of things.

Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. Yokozuna w/ M. Fuji: It’s not enough to say how heavily the WWF relied upon Yokozuna 1993. I also don’t think he deserves enough credit for the job he performed. Although it was a difficult period, that is not his fault. Without him, things would be even worse.